Today marks the last day of the school year for my almost 2nd grader. She has had a fantastic year. She has become quite the reader, math machine, and spelling bee queen. We were blessed with a fantastic teacher this year that was kind, patient, open, and most importantly good at what she does. Thank you Mrs. Woods.
1st day of Kinderten |
As I drop her off this am, I can't help but think of her first day of Kindergarten and how much she has grown. Everyone knows that time moves quickly, so I am looking forward to enjoying every day of the summer.
Emma's Summer To Do List:
1) Paint in Art Classes
2) Plant more Flowers
3) Swim, and more Swim!
As I look over this list, it seems pretty reasonable, but I am sure we will find a few more things to add to the list as the days go by. Until then, I like this simple plan.
Last day of 2nd Grade |
I love her plan too!!